General debates on the past in contemporary times

Elize S van Eeden, “South Africa in the minds and operations of the American business world in SA”, 1980 – 1993 – a preliminary survey, Journal for Contemporary History, June 1995.
Elize S van Eeden, “’n Oorlog met vele name – standpunte en realiteite oor “dié Oorlog” (1899-1902) in Suid-Afrika”, Literator, 20(3), November 1999.
Elize S van Eeden, Ryke, E.H., De Necker, I.C.M., “The welfare function of the South African government before and after apartheid”, Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 36(1), 2000.
Elize S van Eeden  & Vermuelen, T., “Christian National Education and People’s Education: Historical perspectives on some common grounds”, New Contree, 50, 2005, pp. 177-208.
Elize S van Eeden, “’n Historiese perspektief op die “CHO” van die PUK as ʼn stem uit Potchefstroom tot 2003”, Tydskrif vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys , 42(4), 2006.
Elize S van Eeden, “A critical review on protagonist and proactive environmental activism to promote the remediation of mined land and acid mine drainage in some Gauteng goldfields”. New Contree, 60, November, 2010, pp. 63-79.
Elize S van Eeden, “Geskiedenis, grondstudies en grondeise-navorsing – ’n oop gesprek”, Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 52(4), Des 2012.
Elize S van Eeden & Bester S.J., “Die ekonomiese ontwikkeling en rol van die Elektrotegniese Aannemersvereniging van Suid-Afrika, 1948-2000”. (Manuscript presented for publication in 2001 to ECA S.A), 2002.
Elize S van Eeden Chapter Editor for “Omgewingsgeskiedenis van Suid-Afrika“, in F Pretorius (Red.), Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika: Van voortye tot vandag  (Kaapstad, Van Schaiks, Junie 2012), (ISBN 978-0-624-05466-5) , 640pp.
Elize S van Eeden, Chapter Editor for the “Environmental History of South Africa“ (pp. 633-663), in F Pretorius (ed), A History of South Africa. From the Distant Past to the Present Day (Pretoria, Protea Boekhuis, 2014), (ISBN 978-1-86919-908-1), pp. 704.